Monday, June 24, 2013

École Les cochon fous Saint-Mandé

Well, this is where it all started, and you know what it is. (That's "writer.")

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Deep Cayuga is coming back to a website near you!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

1968 Pontiac Custom S

Ahh, good times. The first car. This is from 1983, the pants, the shirt, the '60s boots, the whitewalls on the car, these are all wrong, for the time, the town, the vintage of the car, but what a wonderful car, it smelled like baking rubber, rust rained down into the poofy hair from where the top of the windshield met the "body by Fisher." There was a Sparkomatic tape deck that played Psychedelic Furs and King Crimson from crackly back speakers, the car roared along twisty two lane roads through the hills, under the clouds, and left the past behind it.

A Volvo ran into the back of it one snowy day, and cracked the frame. And so that was that.